being moved by the Holy Spirit
As a Catholic missionary family and more so as a mother raising her 2 youngest children in the 3rd world country of Peru, planning is a very important and prudent quality to have for day to day life. Before being called to missions I would say that I was a great planner so much so that many times I am sad to say I myself got in the way of Gods plans. I was a person that never wanted to change my plans no matter what.
As a missionary with Family Missions Company we whole heartily believe in our 12 Charisms. But there is one of our charisms that in my heart I knew I needed to become more open to. The charism that would interfere with my plans. The part of me that I did not want to let go of “My Plans” to allow the Holy Spirit to be in charge at all times. Its easy to say, but difficult to actually let go and allow him to be in control.
However being apart of this wonderful mission in life as an FMC missionary requires me to be SPIRIT LED & OPEN TO THE CHARISMS
“For the Spirit moves where it will.” -John 3:8
We follow the movement and guidance of the Holy Spirit wherever and however He leads. We live lives of praise, openness to the spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, and discernment of the Spirit’s guidance. We depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. Following the Spirit, our missionary lives are lives of great flexibility and itinerancy.
This is an account of our last two weeks as missionaries here in Peru but more so of an adventure moved and planned by the Holy Spirit. A story about having to trust in the Spirit entirely and being grateful for all that he provided and more so for the things he did not provide.
My family and I along with all the new missionaries here in Peru had to travel to Lima Peru to obtain our paper work needed for our 5 year religious visas. With the religious visas it cuts down the cost of having to exit the country every 6 months. So it is very important that we obtain the visas. More so for my family because having to travel out of Peru for all three of us can really add up and strain our missionary budget.
So we as a group planned to arrive in Lima during the same week to visit all the government offices necessary for our visas together as a team.
My family left on Sunday morning at 5am to try to make it through all of the blockades from Shimbillo to Tarapoto. You see we wanted to take a bus but with the Corn and Rice farmers on strike and them making blockades on the only paved road here in the Selva (jungle) made it impossible to make the 32 hours bus trip so we had to buy a one way plane ticket to Lima. Below are a few pictures of the farmers and the barricade in front of our small pueblo taken a few days before we left. We prayed the rosary the night before, making petitions that we would be able to cross the barricades in the morning. We left in hopes that prayers would be answered that we would not miss our flight due to having to wait for hours or walk for miles and miles at each barricade. Once we walked up to the 1st barricade we explained we were

Catholic Missionaries and ask politely if we could cross. The farmers agreed for us to cross and on the other side of the barricade was a blessing a Moto Kar driver which took us to the next barricade about 10 minutes down the road where we had to get out and walk, and again ask permission before we could go through the barricades. But as we approached in the still of the darkness, soaking wet from the rain with luggage in hand and Julianna and Gabriel following behind me. All of us were a bit nervous when approaching the barricade that was dimly lit by a small fire as we walked up to the farmers. We suddenly heard from the darkness a man voice saying in spanish “they are the Catholic Missionaries, let them through”. Praise God we made it through the 2nd barricade. On the other side another gentleman took our luggage and told us to follow him that he would takes us to Tarapoto. So through the darkness trying to keep up with him and not to lose him, we followed him to his car. As we rode in the back of his car we gave praise to God that we only had to cross through two barricades instead of the countless ones we were told about. More so that we did not even have to wait or walk miles and miles. We arrived in Tarapoto just as the sun was rising. It was a comfortable feeling to know from the start of our travels the Holy Spirit was at work.

With the help of the Holy Spirit without incident we were able to make our flight and safely arrived in Lima. Of course right on time for my families next Divine Appointment with our taxi driver whom was so Godly to us. As it says in Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man our ordered by God” Walter our taxi driver was so patient with us and tried everything he could to find the correct address to our little one bedroom efficiency apartment that we would be staying at for the next week.
How could have ever planned for this, we arrived at 11pm but it took until 2 am, (3 hours) for us to find the correct address. Even though I had 4 different addresses and had the owner on the phone trying to help us arrive to her location, it seems finding addresses in Lima proves to be difficult without the help of the Holy Spirit. Once our taxi driver, Walter found out the correct location we stood outside in the middle of the street at 2 am in the morning Praising God and praying with Walter and for his families needs. I am sure God will bless him for not abandoning us at the nearest street corner after all of my addresses did not work. Its funny because each day we left are little home we would pray and I would of course plan for the worse and drop a pin on my phone for the exact location or take of picture of the outside address plaque so I could show the next driver were we needed to go. Each evening after completing the list at that particular Government office we would flag down a taxi and spend the next three hours talking to the taxi driver getting to know them and answering every question they had about why I was in Lima with my children and why we lived in the salve among the poor. You see I am pretty sure that the whole address not working was a gift from the Holy Spirit. Many would be irritated or even a bit frustrated after spending a day in government offices waiting in lines, tired, hungry and ready to relax in the comfort of home but yet the Holy Spirits plans were much different from ours. You see we became friends with each of the drivers that drove us home and sacrificed their time to make sure we arrive back to our home safely. Each time we flagged a taxi inside I would smile because I knew it was a special encounter set up just for us. Even though we were not in our Pueblos and working in the ministries their we were still being missionaries serving the poor to those whom the Holy Spirit lead us too. You can learn a lot from being lost with a person for three hours. Even through I had planned for smooth travels each day the Holy Spirit needed us to be docile to his plans on our way home.
Here are pictures of just a few of the offices we had to visit.

The top picture is Interpol just the outside of it. The lines our long but we were so super blessed that somehow we made it through the lines without a wait. We had our finger prints taking and a dental exam perform at Interpol it was similar to what I think about when I think of a persons first day at boot camp. Many strict uniformed officers yelling commands and keeping the flow, safety and piece about the premise. They were very good at what they did. The other three pictures are some of the other offices we had to visit, the Ministry of Foreign affairs and the Minster of Justice’s office. Yeah, I know what you're thinking it sounds so James Bondish right! I thought so too. As you see in the last pictures Julianna and John Paul Plummer took a photo of me with my manila folders. These two look so happy taking this picture of me. To be honest I was super happy to have not just one manila folder put two! See in Lima a person does not leave home without a manila folder. Every one walks with their manila folder. Its like some kind of law around Lima that if you walk around you must have your manila folder. Just as you see in the top pictures, It's a Peruvian thing. I believe we all were happy for the fact having these manila folders in hand meant we were almost done in Lima and we were getting closer to returning home.

Each day God was so good to Julianna and Gabriel. They still had time for their school and where we stayed had Wifi so Julianna was able to get a lot of her school completed. And each day as we were guided by the Holy Spirit he lead them to new learning experiences .
So what do you do when you lose your wallet in Lima Peru?

Well being Spirit Led you Pray, you stay calm and do not panic because it will soon turn up right? Indeed it does. John Paul Plummer lost his wallet 3 days into our trip to Lima. He was not sure where he had lost it but we did what we could to find it. We prayed to Saint Anthony the patron saint of lost items. We looked everywhere in the place we were staying. Asked our neighbors. We even called Jorge one of our new taxi driver friends to see if he had left it in his taxi. But it was no where to be found. So all we could do is trust in the Lord and wait for guidance from the Holy Spirit. More importantly to remain humble and Joyful. While we were waiting our girls team went to the birth home of Saint Rose of Lima and at the well that she would throw the key to the locks that were binding the chain around her waist she used to chain herself up with, they wrote a petition, prayed for John Paul’s wallet, and threw it into the well. The next day as you see in the picture above, John Paul Plummer received a call from a gentleman saying that his wallet was found. Passport card and bank card still inside it. For me it was so awesome to see the wondrous ways of our Lord.
We follow the movement and guidance of the Holy Spirit wherever and however He leads.
We were not planning on still being in Lima on Saturday which is our families day of prayer, but oh how the Holy Spirit had better plans. He allowed us to have our desert day not in a desert but at the beach. Not far from were we were at, Christ was looking upon us as we spent the day in prayer. Julianna and Gabriel finished up early and they were able to enjoy their 1st time at the ocean. How our God wants to love us!
As we waiting for the next few days to pick up our paper work at Interpol. We tried to live as cheaply as we could. Our one room efficiency apartment had a kitchen which we used every day.

Praise Jesus! Cooking ourselves cuts down on parasites we can get from eating from street vendors and restaurants and saves a lot of money. One night before we left Lima I felt a heavy urged to go to the grocery store all of a sudden. Not the store that was closer to us, but the one that was about a 20 minute walk from us. At the time I could not explain why. I just knew clearly that was the store I needed to go to make the purchases for that night. So, off we went and as soon as we turned the corner to the front of the store a woman approached me with a shopping list. She had about a dozen items on the list and only two things were not marked out. Praise the Lord for those who came before me and helped her. The two items still left on her list were diapers and wipes. She asked if we could purchase them for her. We asked her to follow us into the store.
The woman kept saying she was sorry and that she did not have work because she was ill and her three children were at home. She explained to me that her husband had left and that she was trying to raise her children by herself. She had said her husband was a violent man and had no interest in her or his children. After speaking to her I learned the names of her children and how old they were. My heart felt such compassion for this lady. She sounded so familiar to me. The Holy Spirit kept tugging at my heart, He kept wanting more of me than just the 2 items left on her list. I asked her if she could use some rice. Her eyes lighted up when she said yes that would be nice. I asked how about some tuna fish, she smiled and said yes. Than the Holy Spirit moved me by tugging again at my heart saying you're a mom. You know very well what its like not to be able to feed your children you have felt the same pain and discouragement, don't forget. I heard the Holy Spirit whisper in my ear, remember when I sent people to help you! Those people I sent to help they loved you. They were moved because they heard , listened and obeyed me. You need to do the same for her, Love her more. So I asked her, “How about some vegetables and fruits. Your children must love fruit”. She sad yes they do but they are expensive. The woman was so humble, I could have decided not to pour out any more love for this woman but yet that was not what the Spirit was asking. So apples, mangos, oranges and potatoes and even eggs ended up in the cart. After proceeding through the check out line the two of us stepped aside together. I asked her If I could pray with her. She looked so happily at me and said yes. I asked her what her prayer requests were and she asked that her husband would come home and that he would learn about God and that her children would stay well and in school. This woman asked for nothing for her self.

After 8 days we were indeed ready to leave Lima and get back to our Pueblo and to our ministries. Even more pressing was preparing for the upcoming Holy Week. After picking up our papers from the Interpol office we went straight to the bus station to eagerly wait at the bus station for our bus. An hour from departure we went to check in and were told that the buses were not running the normal routes due to the mudslides and the on growing Strikes from the corn and rice farmers. So we invoke the Holy Spirit to guide us in our next decision. Should we wait for another week in Lima where the cost was great, or spend money we did not have on airfare or try by bus to get back as close as we could to our pueblo. With the confidence of the Holy Spirit the latter seemed more fitting. So we changed our tickets and off we rode to an unknown place guided only by the Holy Spirit. We were set to arrive in Chachapoyas Peru 24 hours later. We were told we would perhaps be able to buy a ticket for a van to make the journey the rest of the way to our hometown. But when we arrived at the bus station we were told that by ground it was impossible again due to the strikes and Mud Slides but there was an option that we could buy a plane ticket and fly out the following Monday. I cannot lie my heart sank.
We were tired, cold, hungry and confused on where to stay for a week in a place we could hardly pronounce. The only thing I knew was to find the nearest Catholic Church.
So after getting directions we walked as fast as we could luggage in hand to the nearest church. All I knew was there we would be guided. I prayed for the church to be open so at least we could just go inside and pray for a bit and catch our breath.
But yet again the Holy Spirit had something even better in store. As we approached the steps of the church two Sisters were standing there. They asked us boldly who we were and what we were doing in Chacaopoyas. Oh how great are the servants of God. Its like they were waiting for us. We told them our story, that we were Catholic missionaries traveling back from Lima and that we were low on funds. The look on their face was of compassion and in their eyes you could see Jesus. They asked us to follow them they took us to a hotel where we were able to stay the night for free. It was such a blessing to be able to rest and recharge our minds. The sisters also invited us to come to their home for the next week for Breakfast and Lunch. I find it very hard to take things from people but it was clear that this trip was not planned by me or by any other it was of the Holy Spirit and I needed to Get Over Myself and my feelings and allow the Holy Spirit to do his work within us and around us. In a week we came to know the Sisters well and they poured out their love on us. We were able to find a place to stay that worked with us on the price. Each day we went to the sisters home and received a hot meal prepared with such love. Gabriel fell in love and played with Sister Clementine dog Beethoven, “Betto” for short. And yes that is blue hair dye on his head. You see the sisters house 35 girls from the age of 11 to 18 per Sister Clementine the girls were responsible for Betto’s blue hair. The girls are from all over Peru, There was even a girl living with them who lived not to far from us in the salve. The girls are able to stay and have 3 meals a day and attend school it's such a wonderful blessing for them. It was very clear why the Holy Spirit moved us to this town high up in the Amazon Andes Mountain range. Julianna was such a magnet for the girls. They were all eager to ask questions and Julianna so humbly would answer each one of their questions.

They played volleyball together practiced their language skills out for one another and, well they just hung out like any other group of girls would. They enjoyed just being Girls. What melted my heart is when the Holy Spirit rained down his love upon Julianna. He was not about to let Julianna’s 16th birthday pass without notice. The girls broke out in song and sung her Happy birthday and Sister Clementine saved her very own birthday cake from the day before to celebrate together with Julianna.
Our trip to Lima and our unexpected time in Chachapoyas Peru could be perceived as a failure due to poor planning. Or perhaps one would say it was typical of traveling in a third world country. But for us we realized it was his plan, his divine romance His zeal He has for us to be pulled closer to him so he could show us his love for us in an even greater way. All orchestrated by Jesus Himself.
Our purpose is not to live for ourselves but for the reason we were created . God created us to Know Him, to Love Him, to Serve Him and to Make Him Known. Nothing more and nothing less. In this Easter season we our reminded of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us. Of our Lords obedience to His Father and His love for us. In times of hardships and discouragement from the world it is easy to feel that we our alone in this world that we have no one left as Mary Magdalene must had felt when she could not find Jesus’s Body. But as found in the writings of Saint John in the Gospel He tells of the mission of the Holy Spirit is to abide with Jesus’s disciples. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be advocate, intercessor, teacher, helper and comforter. We must accept the fact that the Holy Spirit is very much alive and lives among us and in us.
We must be spirit Led “For the Spirit moves where it will.” -John 3:8
We must as Christians follow the movement and guidance of the Holy Spirit wherever and however He leads. We must live lives of praise, openness to the spiritual gifts, spiritual warfare, and discernment of the Spirit’s guidance. We must depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. Following the Spirit, our missionary lives are lives of great flexibility and itinerancy. Its than and only than we are one with the spirit and can see blessing and miracles he creates just for us each and every day.
I encourage you during this Easter Season to allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit. Yes, its true, to the world it might look strange and impossible but you must remember His promise “all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23. Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit John 14: 15-20 “If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”
I must confess I am glad my heart was stretched beyond what I could have imagined. That my faith and trust in our God was tested. The Holy Spirit made his presence know each and everyday to us. The closeness was incredible and truly has made an impact on the three of us for eternity.
The picture above is Gods idea of a perfect Desert day! Once again not a desert but I cannot think of a better place to spend our Saturday in prayer the tallest place around at the top of the Amazon Andes Mountain range were the clouds meet the earth. It was breath taking to feel the Holy Spirit move all around us as we spent a morning in prayer in the closest way we could to Heaven.
The picture on the top left. The plane we waited for a week to fly us home.
The picture on the top right. Is Jimena a faith young girl that loves the Lord. She is wearing the glasses that were purchased for her with our mission partners funds. Her sight was so bad she could not attend school. Now her sight is corrected enough were she can attend classes. Praise God for our Financial Partners.
The bottom left picture. The Beautiful Crucifix inside the newly built church in one of our pueblos.
The bottom right picture. The photo was taken in our Pueblo of Shimbillo a wonderful reminder of Gods promise. Our God is an Awesome God.
Please know that we pray for you daily. We carry you in our hearts every where we go. Its because of your love and support and your financial sacrifices that make our mission here in Peru possible. Your Goodness will not go unnoticed.
I beg you to keep Julianna, Gabriel and myself in your prayers while we are here serving in Peru. As well as my two oldest Mason who is wrapping up his Fire Training for the city of Dallas Tx and for Maccray whom is beginning the journey such as his older brother Mason did, at his age, by becoming a firefighter with Boyd Tx Fire Department. Special prayer request that my children will continue to be moved and led by the Holy Spirit and that they continue to be servants of God.
Send us your Prayer Request-
We humbly ask for your prayer request. Please allow my family to storm the heavens on your behalf. Allow us to receive Gods graces by praying for you each and everyday. Just let us know by sending us an email with your request.
My family and I our dedicated to living in Gospel Poverty among those whom we serve and live among. We live on a budget of $700.00 a month which also includes our alms giving to those whom we our guided to. No donation is too small, even a donation of $10.00 a month can change the life of many people.
You may follow our blog and if God is calling you to make a financial sacrifice you may at
May the Holy Spirit forever whisper in your ear
and pull at the strings of your heart!
Allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit!
Karen, Julianna, And Gabriel Del Castillo
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