Have you ever read the bible and suddenly had "goose bumps”?
I do each time I read Mark 10: 17-30. But the bumps and the chills I feel down my spine and arms, I call them HOLY SPIRIT BUMPS. It's certain that when I experience the Holy Spirit Bumps I can be confident that Jesus is speaking directly to me.
In todays Gospel we hear of the rich young man who wanted to know exactly how to enter Heaven.
Jesus explained to him how; but the cost was too much for the rich young man! He JUST wanted to follow the commandments. He thought that would be enough. It was too much to hear that he must sell all he had and give the money to the poor and on top of that follow Christ.
I often wonder if that's the reason we do not know the name of this rich young man. His name is never mentioned anywhere. He made the decision to turn away with a sad face and leave because he decided his possessions, and his rich life style was worth more than the Kingdom of heaven. Or perhaps he thought the pain and discomfort would be too much to bear.
Jesus knew how hard headed some of us can be. I honestly feel that's why this scripture was written. (for people just as hard headed)
This is why He spoke in such parables that even I could even understand.
Jesus said " it is much harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle ".
Sit and think for a moment to reflect on the picture above. A small child might laugh when he hears such words. For me it pierced my heart. Not that I was rich. I was just a single mom of 4 children working 2 jobs trying to make ends meet. It could have been very easy for me to turn with a sad face and walk away from the call just as the rich young man did. But I knew Jesus needed me to follow him, to leave all, to become poor so I could serve his people in places many would not.
Missions is not easy, leaving all behind my two oldest boys , my mom and dad, my friends , and the countless comforts one has when living in such a rich country like the USA . The simple things we take for granted like having running water, taking a bath daily, and having electricity on a daily basis.
But I was called to sell what little I had to follow Christ. To leave my mother , father and two oldest sons for the sake of the Kingdom.
I find my self just as Peter did, wondering and questioning what will happen to him as he chose to leave all behind to follow Jesus. In times of discomfort , trails and sacrifices we make as missionaries I too ask this question. And so lovingly Jesus comforts me and ensures me as he did Peter. He promises that we will receive much more in the life to come.
Jesus said to them" those who leave home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or field for me and the Gospel, will receive 100 times more houses , brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields - and persecutions as well; and in the age to come they will receive eternal life.”
Praise you Lord Jesus Christ for allowing us to be your humble servant. For having Mercy on us and allowing us to be in your presence.
Lord, all we want is to serve you, to be poor, and follow your humble example to the cross. May everything we own and do serve you.
May my family and I remain joyful in our poverty and our eyes fixed always on you.
We thank you for you prayers and your support.
With out the sacrifices made by each of you this work would be impossible.
Karen, Julianna and Gabriel Del Castillo
FMC Missionares / Serving in Shimbillo Peru
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