It’s been awhile since we have sent out an update. Please
forgive us, it was not meant to be, but life here in the last month has become
a whirlwind of to do lists and goodbyes. In my prayer time I have asked God to
create a perfect time to sit down and reach out to all of you whom we love so
much. I cant lie, One morning , I thought instead of prayer time I could take
that time to write to you. Praise God, I
did not fall for that trick. Instead God awarded my obedience with a perfect
evening after a long hot day to sit in quiet to connect with you all.
First things first, we must thank each of you tremendously
for your prayers and your financial sacrifices. Its amazing to watch Gods plan
come together. And indeed with much grace, we found raising money for a mission
truck became a blessing, rather than a burden. So many of you poured your heart
out in prayer and just the right amount of money came in to buy the perfect
truck for our new post. By far is it not new, and it needs A LOT of love and
care but it fell into our laps, just
like the precise amount of money needed to buy it did. God is so amazing. We
have purchased new tires and have had a chance to repair the most urgent things
here with our mechanic Jose, who has such
a servants heart to help all of us Missionaries here in a very special way. He
reminds me of my two oldest sons back at home
Mason and Maccray whom despite what the world says, they always try to
do their best and in the most honest way possible. Because of Jose’s dedication
and hard work we feel confident that we will make the drive safely to our new
mission post.
We were bless and honored to be able to accept an invitation
from Father Francisco to attend Pope Francis’s announcement, via the “Nuncio Apostólico ” Monseñor Nicola Girasoli,
who currently resides in Lima, who traveled here to the jungle to spend time
with the missionaries, priest and religious sisters serving the poor in this
area. He was truly amazing to hear speak. Oh and he also spoke English which
was a treat in of its own.
Monseñor Nicola Girasoli With Pope Francis
Bellavista’s Church
tower with the Peruvian and Vatican Flag
It has been a very bitter- sweet month as we wind down our ministries, Home
visits and sacramental preparations. Saying good bye has not come easy. To
leave the ones we have come to love. To share together the fear of earthquakes,
heat, bugs, last year’s forever week long power outage, constant search of water, sickness and death,
we have been together in solidarity with our neighbors through it all. We came
to live among the poor and indeed our first two years we have done just that.
My children and I would have never in a million years could have dreamt of the
abundance of gifts God would bestow upon us as he did while serving His beloved
poor here. To give up everything and to become poor only in return to gain more
than you ever had, seems impossible, but my friends it is not impossible for
our God.
Since our return to our current post in late January, we
began Sacramental prep. classes for a handful of the children that showed
desire to enter into the Catholic Church. Some had only received their
sacrament of baptism so they received 1st communion and the
sacrament of confirmation.
One of our hardest ministries to leave is the wonderful
youth. The youth here have the same problems as the youth in the states.
Possibly even more when you add in their poverty and living conditions, but yet they are so full of JOY! Our Friday
night youth gatherings are coming to a close but no one in the room has a sad
face. We know God has a plan for us all and we need to follow him with a Joyful
heart. And until the last day we have, we will enjoy our time singing , dancing
and playing games as we journey together with Christ leading the way.
We took our youth to
the pool in a nearby town
Youth group games
Please join us in praying for all those who we have been
blessed to live among and serve. We pray fervently that God will fill their
hearts with His love that is so much greater than we could even imagine, as we prepare to enter are last few days
here. We must trust in the Lord and the plans he has for us at our new mission
post as he leads the way.
We also ask for your prayers that our transitions into our
new post will be blessed. We especially pray for faith strong enough to trust that
even the tiniest little details have been planned out in the most divine
way. We walk into what most of society
would call the “unknown”. Just as we
followed Christ to our current post 2 years ago, sight unseen, our purpose
unknown, we do the same as we follow Christ to His new home he has prepared for
us as we embark our 3rd year living among the poor and finding ways to serve
them and meet their most basic needs. We know just as much as we did 2 years
ago, only the name of the town he has called us to. Please pray that when we
get there we are met by the Holy Spirit, who will guide us to our waiting
ministries and to our new friendships we will make as we journey with those we
live among to a greater kingdom than what we have ever laid eyes on.
Our going away lunch
with all of our wonderful missionary community. We will Truly miss them all!
We love you and would love to know how we can pray for you
in an attentional way. Please let us receive the Lord’s graces by allowing us
to pray for you in a special way. You can send us your prayer request at
anytime by Whatsapp message 51
941-992-525 or send us an email at Karendelcastillo@familymissionscompany.com.
God Bless you,
Missionary family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Pray for us!