Grace and peace to each of you! I
trust that the Easter Season has brought you hope and with its closing marked
by Pentecost, that you may find comfort knowing that the Holy Spirit is among
us. Jesus loved us so much that he sent his Spirit down upon us to guide us,
console us, teach us and to dwell within our hearts, his love for us is so
merciful and encouraging.
I desire to share
with all of you what it has been like here in Peru and the progress we are
making on the Casa de Santa Maria Magdalena. My apologize for such a
long letter to you, I can only pray that my words find you well and that they
my reach your heart as I desire them to.
I must tell you,
here on the mission field, the last month or so has been extremely challenging
to say the least. As I mentioned prior when Gabriel and I came back from
visiting the states we arrived at a new season in missions. We were confident
that we were ready and up for the challenge. However, I must confess, to the
fact I find myself most days during my personal prayer time confronting Jesus
with the possibility that He must have forgotten what I signed up for. I mean,
I knew our schedule would change, and I knew that ministries would change, I
was almost confident that I could handle it with ease. Little did I know that
my heart would suffer like it has been, but that is just half of my struggle.
My big problem is that I am certain that I, in no way, signed up for the
battles between Satan and his posse of evil spirits. I simply agreed to
and said yes to preparing a place where single women and their children who
have suffered from domestic violence and abuse can encounter Jesus. There was
no mention of spiritual attacks nor Satan waging war on me and those around me.
However, since we started construction of
Maria Magdalena’s home everyday we have been experiencing a heaping dose of
Satan’s malice tricks and discouragement. It is so bad at times instead of
crying the only thing I can do is laugh (and it is not because it is in any way
funny). I have made my protest and request for review known to the Lord during
my prayer time about my dissatisfaction of my current situations and have made
known clearly the battles I have been facing, but the only thing I get back in
return are the words of Saint Paul “And to keep me from being too elated
by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger
of Satan, to harass me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I
besought the Lord about this, that it should leave me; but he said to me, “My
grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2
Corinthians 12:7-9) These words of Saint Paul clearly mark that he experienced
attacks and interference from the Evil one and that I am not alone in this
battle and more importantly the Lord’s power is made perfect in the times of my
weakness. Paul even writes of another time he faced problems with the Devil’s
interference when he wrote of his desire to visit the Thessalonians, but he was
unable to because of the attacks of the Devil that was hindering him. He writes
in 1 Thessalonians 2:18 “because we wanted to come to you, I, Paul, again
and again—but Satan hindered us.”
There is no mistake that the same powerful adversary is very opposed to Santa Maria Magdalena’s home and its success. I, along with all the workers tools and equipment have had a bull’s eye placed on our backs, we have been spotted in the crosshairs of Satan and he is demanding us to stand down. He is an angel of interference, not an angel of light as God Created him.
Attacking and ensuring
he unleashes every possible obstacle against us, from attacks on our truck’s
engine with various mechanical issues, including brake line issues when descending the mountain, the workers motorcycles, even making one
catch on fire, shutting down roads with mudslides and forcing us to take longer
and more dangerous roads, breaking power tools of all kinds and yet probably
the most painful to digest is the fact that he used his trickery and sorcery to
even make $5000.00 US dollars that was sent in a form of a bank transfer from the
US to Peru disappear that was earmarked for the building project, and it has
yet been found or received here. There is no doubt that he is
throwing out everything he has in his war chest at us. Leaving our Peruvian
labor force here ready to call it quits and the rest of the locals are left
standing around scratching their heads in bewilderment of why I am so
determined and why I am so willing to continue to take such forceful
Maybe it is
because I am a fool, a fool for Christ and I am not about to let the Devil
“outwit” me. (2 Cor. 2:11) Nor will I let him separate me “from the Love of
Christ.” (Romans 8:35) Just as Saint Paul was instructed when he pleaded with
the Lord about the thorn that he had been given and in return he was instructed
that he has not received anything he cannot handle and that the grace and power
of the Lord is all that he needed to make it through his battles with the Evil
one. So, I too must have confidence in the Lord's words. I should also have
confidence that the Evil one has mistaken me as a fool and has underestimated
some small things about me such as my hardheadedness, and my zeal to never give
up. For most of my life I found these characteristics of mine a downfall and a
negative trait, but in this season, I have come to learn that all these talents
have been gifts given to me by the Lord and are meant to be used in battle.
So instead of
allowing the father of lies to have his way with me, I have all but spat in his
face and have demanded Satan to leave our presence. As a missionary team we
have made it a point to sing songs of praise on the land. I have drenched the
building site with Holy Water, placed blessed medals of the Holy Family and of
Saint Michael the Archangel in the footing of the foundation before they were
filled with cement. I have sought out reconciliation in the sacrament of
confession and have fasted in hopes to be a better warrior.
Though I really
had no idea that when the Lord laid on my heart His desire for this home that I
was being called to die and to be burned at the stake and pursued by the Evil
one. To be shamed and to be spoken about, to be laughed at, and to be called a
fool because I am willing to welcome these attacks for the Lord’s sake. Having
confidence in the Lord and in his immense plan and desire for this home to be
built, is reason enough for me to stand up to these attacks and it is reason
enough to be tormented and toiled around with by the Devil, because I know that
if this home means so much to the Lord to build, than I should be
ready “to be killed “all day long and to be accounted as sheep to be
slaughtered.” (Romans 8:36)
The greatest
thing I have come to know, is I know I am not alone during these attacks. I
must tell you that I am in awe of the fact that the Lord even sent Saint Paul
to become my friend during these times. I have never studied his Letters, but
it just so happens that I am doing a 15-week study of Saint Paul’s writings
during the same time I am under attack. There is absolutely no way I could have
planned it better. Jesus knew that I was going to need Saint Paul by my side in
these times. After all Saint Paul knows well the true meaning of suffering for
Christ's sake and he knows what it means to go head-to-head with the Devil. It
has been a very divine encounter and new friendship with such an awesome Saint
to say the least. The letters Saint Paul wrote are a true witness to His love
for the Lord and his gratefulness for being saved. He referred to himself as
the “least of the apostles”, because of his past, but because of Jesus’s saving
mercy and grace working in and through him he desires to withstand and subject
himself to the struggles and persecutions that comes with being a missionary
and preaching the Good News. (1 Corinthians 15)
Reflecting on
what a gift my new Saint friend is, there is no denying that Saint Paul, has
moved me and calls me on to win this battle. It is amazing to know that four of
his letters that we find in the New Testament were written when he was being
held in captivity. He never once wavered in his faith, and he never once
allowed the Devil to win. Instead, he was still proclaiming the Good News and
sharing his testimony with everyone he could. He was faithful to his mission
given to him by the Lord and so am I. Paul was shipwrecked, stoned, beaten,
laughed at, put in prison, his body bore the branded marks of Jesus, and he
still had strength in his weakness and showed grit under pressure. (Galatians
I feel half the
battle is recognizing that Satan exists, knowing the tricks and traits of the
Evil one, and preparing ourselves for his attacks. As Gabriel my 12-year-old
son would say it is DEFCON 1 time, which he is referring to Saint Paul’s
instruction about preparing for such attacks that he wrote to the Ephesians
about the need to “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be
able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we are not contending against
flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against
the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly places”. (Ephesians 6:10-12) There is absolutely no
way I can withstand these attacks and fulfill this mission without Jesus and
all his Saints and Angels by my side. To cast out the Devil and his posse means
I need to make sure I am faithful to my prayer time and to the sacraments.
Because without this I will lose this battle.
To close my
correspondence with you I must share with you what My Best friend reminded me
of just today that I found the timing of her
sharing this with me to be divine and from the Lord. She shared that it is a known trait that Satan desires to isolate people in order
to destroy them. She shared with me, out of the bible, the words written to the
Galatians by Saint Paul as he calls out to them to share their burdens with
each other. (Galatians 6:1-6)
Saint Paul
knew that there were strengths in numbers, he knew that “two
are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For
if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls
and does not have another to help. Again, if two lie
together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And
though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold
cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:10-12)
With that said I
share with you my toils with the Devil not to lift him up or to give him fame
but quite the opposite. I share with you my battle because it is my desire to
withstand his attacks and it is my hope to nudge you into battle with me. I beg
you to pray for this project day and night, to pray for the young men working
on this project and for their conversion, for all those who are watching and
witnessing the battle we are experiencing with Satan, that they may become
curious and ask about where our strength comes from, for all those
who have donated to this project and for their personal prayer intentions, for
multiplication of donations so we can complete this project and lastly for the
resilience of our missionary team here as we stand our ground
against the Evil one.
I pray for the
same kind of focus and the faith of the things unseen, just as Saint Paul did
as he saw the attacks with eyes of faith. I also pray that I may remain
steadfast in the Lord, confident that these attacks will strengthen me and all
who are watching. May those that watch with bewilderment, awe and confusion
come to know that I do not come to fight alone but with Christ by my side, all
the angels and saints and with you my brothers and sisters.
And may one day we all can say
“I have fought
the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth
there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to
all who have loved his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8).
May we share our burdens with one another and lift each other up in prayer! May we also rejoice when we see them answered!
Karen and Gabriel Del Castillo
Mission Post: Cajaruro,Amazonas,Peru
Please do not go just yet! Please stay until the end and enjoy the pictures! I must say it is always hard for me to remember to take pictures. It does not come as a natural desire to me. However I have, out of my love for each one of you, made an effort to take pictures so that you may experience some of the beauty of Peru, the blessings of missions and challenges of living and serving in a 3rd world county.
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Casa de Santa Maria Magdalena The 1st phase of the project - The Community House |
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The bricks arrived to the building site and we were overjoyed that we had got to this point |
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These picture do not even tell the crazy challenges with the roads here. We are so thankful for 4 wheel drive! |
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Well all I can say is that this was the 1st of the attacks the Devil had planned for the truck. |
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Within minutes apart from one another parts were falling off in our hands. Than the drive shaft, brakes, fuel pump, 4 wheel drive and more. Each week a new attack on the truck! |
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The creek that borders the land is a perfect place for prayer and reflection and rest! Gab found the perfect spot! |
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About 10 minutes from the land! God planned the perfect spot for Santa Maria Magdalena's home! |
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The sunset from the soon to be Chapel looking across the valley as the moon lights up the sky! |
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This stage was the hardest and the Devil really wanted to defeat us! Everyone of these footers have blessed medals in them! |
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Please Pray for these super wonderful men! This home would not be possible with out these men and their trust in the Lord! |
If ever you desire to experience mission life in person please feel free to reach out to us. We would love to host you and your family!
If you feel called to visit or make a donation please follow the link below!
Karen Del Castillo / Family Missions Company