Sunday, October 22, 2017

 Fridays, I would say are pretty normal here at the Family Missions Company for those of us who are going through formation training to become Lay Catholic Foreign Missionaries.
But I have to say out of all the great talks and the wonderful classes we participant in everyday that Friday Nights ranks high on my list.

See here at FMC Friday night is a very big deal. All the missionaries here look forward to it,  just as much as we did back at home. Nope, we do not go to a Football Stadium to see our children play or to watch the awesome school band. We have a simple night of praise and worship. We simply sing songs and praise Jesus after dinner.

I have spent many of my Friday nights as a mom at a football stadium cheering on both of my older boys playing for their school football team. Many of those nights having to drive out of town to be able to watch them play.  Some of those nights I remember were some of the coldest nights of my life, spent outside in the rain and sleet sitting on cold wet frozen bleachers just to show my love and support for the my boys and the community.

This past Friday night I was reminded by Frank Summers the founder of Family Missions Company that we are not called to be in the stands at the football field we are called to be ON THE FIELD. Each and everyone of us should be right in the middle of the football field playing the game. I was reminded that Christ died a terrible awful death. That involved many horrific things that were done to Him that we seem to put in the back of our minds. Like having nails hammered into His hands and feet so they could hang him from the Cross. Having a sword stuck into his side. Christ died on that Cross for each and everyone of us because he loves us. Not for us to just sit in the stands to cheer him on. Or for us to attend Mass and sit in the pews of a church in front of the altar for just an hour each Sunday
He died because he loved us much more than we could ever imagine.  

Today October 22 is World Mission Sunday, a day that leads us to the heart of our Christian faith – leads us to mission! Donations that were made made today will go to help support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in the Missions who share our faith with those most in need.What a great day to recall to our minds the love Christ had for us. Jesus spent his life as a Missionary going from town to town preaching to all the Nations about his Father. Jesus preformed miracles and made disciples as he followed his Fathers will for Him.

Saint Pope John Paul Wrote in his Encyclical Letter Mission Of The Redeemer 
“ I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church’s energies to a new evangelization and to the mission ad gentes. No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim to all peoples.” 
“It is only in faith that the Church’s mission can be understood and only in faith that it finds basis.” 

Could one even imagine what life would have been if Jesus just sat in the bleachers instead of getting out on to the Field? 

So today we are challenged to take a moment to reflect how it is that we uphold the duty of our Faith.
My friends we are the Church, and I am so blessed to call each of you my friend because each and everyone of you have encouraged me to get out of the stands and on the field. 

Pope Francis says, “enable the missionary heart of Christian communities to join in prayer, testimony of life and communion of goods, in responding to the vast and pressing needs of evangelization.

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