Sunday, December 3, 2017

"We want God" They Cried!

1st Sunday of Advent 
Christmas is only a short 22 days away!

This Sunday's Homily given by St. Mary Magdalen's Father Michael Richard left a profound impression on my heart.

Father Richard spoke of when Saint Pope John Paul II addressed a crowd in Warsaw Poland’s Victory Square,  that grew to  a crowd of over a million people, in June 1979

Saint John Paul II,  referred to the people of Poland, he suggested, that they had been chosen for a great role, to understand, humbly but surely, that they were the repository of a special "witness of His cross and His resurrection." He asked then if the people of Poland accepted the obligations of such a role in history.
When they heard those words.Someone shouted, “We want God,” Soon the chant was taken up by the million voices: For over 14 Minutes the crowd chanted.  
“We want God. We want God. We want God.”

We want God. But how is that desire satisfied? How do we have God?

I tend to forget to recognize God within my own life.  It's so easy to become an unclean person and become more like a polluted rag. To allow my self to become a withered leaf and to allow the wind to blow me away from Gods loving grace.  But how wonderful is our Father,  He stands firm in his love for us. When we fall to our knees and beg to see His face he will never forsake us. 

This 1st Sunday of Advent readings sings out loudly the cries of my heart. 

“Lord, Make us turn to you; let us see your face and we will be saved.” (Psalm 80)

I cry out often; “ O Lord you are our Father; we are the clay and you are the potter: we are all the work of your hands.”  (Isaiah 64:8) 
Please continue to mold me into your likeness.

The people of Poland suffered greatly for a great number of years, yet Pope John Paul II referred to them as Gods chosen people, calling for them to bear witness of “His Cross and His Resurrection”.  We all have our own cross and suffering that we must pick up and carry so that we can follow Christ. We must always remember we are not alone. We should remember that Christ Himself is with us and when we call upon our Lord that He will make Himself known to us. And yes it is very possible that if we beg to see His face He will allow us to look into His loving eyes and to rest our heads on His chest.

St. Augustine said it well, more than 1,500 years ago: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

We want God
This Advent season(the next 22 days) lets us not forget that
We were all created By God
To Know Him To Love Him To Serve Him 
& to Make him Known.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

I do not know God's plans for my family, but I do know its going to be GOOD! 

The Del Castillo Family will serve in Peru for our 
1st year's mission assignment!

It has taken me a long time to surrender to God's will, but once I let go of my human desires I have been able to see Our Lord’s amazing plan for my family and I. For the past two years He has guided us along a path so amazing that I would have never imagined it for myself. 

This last week here in General Cepeda Mexico, has been so incredible. We've been living here among the poor and having a chance to encounter Christ in each of them. I have been given a great confidence, God is running through my very veins. Feeling His presence among us each day gives my family and I the strength to do the impossible. Up to now, I often challenged our Lord. I ask why He chose my family to a life of foreign missions. He has gently called us deeper each and every day to be obedient by becoming his faithful servants. I know now that all the sufferings of my life were meant for the Glory of his Kingdom and I realize there is no need to question the plans of our Lord.

We are so excited to announce we will be going to Peru as our 1st mission assignment. You see, with the little bit I have learned about the country of Peru, it seems as though God knew exactly why He created me and my family. The suffering we have endured cannot be looked at as a short coming or in a negative way. It is human nature to look at our own sufferings and struggles as something that is bad but Pope Benedict says, "The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness."

I have found out that the small town of Shimbillo, Peru we are assigned to has a very high rate of single mothers struggling to raise their children. I have spoken with a few missionaries that have served around the small town of Shimbillo and have found that the area is greatly plagued with a high rate of sexual abuse against children and young women. Prostitution has been a source of income for women in the area in the past. I have come to understand the importance of answering God's call with a YES! Answering His call for us to leave everything behind and solely rely on our intimate relationships with our Lord Jesus Christ to direct us, to provide for us, and to humble us. As my family and I continue to pass away from ourselves, we are reborn as vessels of His love for those He is sending us to. 
I can relate so closely to these women. These women that feel unworthly, unloved, and unwanted. It is very hard to comprehend that He chose my family and I to lead others to know His undying love for them but in this place it makes sense.
In the book, A Call to Mercy, Mother Teresa spoke of “the physical situation of my poor left in the streets unwanted, unloved, unclaimed. This feeling of being rejected, abandoned, let down, or  not belonging anywhere, or not having a reference point or a safe haven while passing through life’s struggles was a real suffering that she wanted to remedy along with providing physical shelter.”  It's hard to believe that God has chosen us to help the women of Shimbillo find where they belong, which is in the arms of our savior. 

There is so many unknown practical questions that run through my family's minds about Peru like...  Where will we find a house? What's the food like? What's the weather like? What is the priest like?  Who will we be serving? Who will hear the call and become our financial mission partners? How long is the flight?  Even though the list seems never-ending and  we cannot answer any thing on this list of questions, we can confidently say IT'S GOING TO BE GOOD! Simply because its God's will!

There are so many unknown practical questions that run through my family's minds about Peru like...  Where will we find a house? What's the food like? What's the weather like? What is the priest like?  Who will we be serving? Who will hear the call and become our financial mission partners? How long is the flight?  Even though the list seems never-ending and we cannot answer any of these questions, we can confidently say IT'S GOING TO BE GOOD! Simply because its God's will!

Saint John Paul II wrote in his Encyclical Letter Mission of the Redeemer
“Living the Mystery of Christ, "the One who was sent"
88. An essential characteristic of missionary spirituality is intimate communion with Christ. We cannot understand or carry out the mission unless we refer it to Christ as the one who was sent to evangelize. St. Paul describes Christ's attitude: "Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross" (Phil 2:5-8).

The mystery of the Incarnation and Redemption is thus described as a total self-emptying which leads Christ to experience fully the human condition and to accept totally the Father's plan. This is an emptying of self which is permeated by love and expresses love. The mission follows this same path and leads to the foot of the cross.

The missionary is required to "renounce himself and everything that up to this point he considered as his own, and to make himself everything to everyone."172 This he does by a poverty which sets him free for the Gospel, overcoming attachment to the people and things about him, so that he may become a brother to those to whom he is sent and thus bring them Christ the Savior. This is the goal of missionary spirituality: "To the weak I became weak...; I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. I do it all for the sake of the Gospel..." (1 Cor 9:22-23).

It is precisely because he is "sent" that the missionary experiences the consoling presence of Christ, who is with him at every moment of life - "Do not be afraid...for I am with you" (Acts 18:9-10) - and who awaits him in the heart of every person.

Sunday, October 29, 2017



Your love has ravished my heart. And has taken me over. 
And all I want is to be With You forever.
Pull me a little closer. Take me a little deeper. 
I want to know Your heart
Because Your love is so much sweeter. 
Than anything I’ve tasted
I want to know Your heart!
How great your love is for me.

Lord I have seen you face, I have looked into your eyes Lord.
I have rested my head upon your chest. 
Lord I Praise you, for allowing me to love you. 
All Glory to God for sending his only Son, to come down from heaven to save me a sinner form eternal death. 

How could I not fall in love with Jesus Christ? 

Day in a Life of becoming a Missionary- falling in love, all over again, each day with the one who forgives me each time I cry out his Holy name. Humbling myself enough to allow him to pour down upon me his merciful love from the heavens. 

Knowing He loves me because I am good enough for Him and Knowing he is good enough for me! This is true love!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Father Buddy for sharing your love for Christ with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for allowing Christ to work through you while hearing Confessions this week. Words cannot describe the wonderful feeling a Mom has when she can witness her children coming out of confession renewed and made new. Julianna is glowing as always. And Gabriel I am so pleased to say that I have not seen him with so much Joy since his Baptism. 
Thank you again Father for hearing Gabriel’s 1st confession.

Gospel Today Matthew 22:34-40
“You Shall Love the Lord, Your God,
With all your Heart,
With all your Soul,
and with all your Mind."


Sunday, October 22, 2017

 Fridays, I would say are pretty normal here at the Family Missions Company for those of us who are going through formation training to become Lay Catholic Foreign Missionaries.
But I have to say out of all the great talks and the wonderful classes we participant in everyday that Friday Nights ranks high on my list.

See here at FMC Friday night is a very big deal. All the missionaries here look forward to it,  just as much as we did back at home. Nope, we do not go to a Football Stadium to see our children play or to watch the awesome school band. We have a simple night of praise and worship. We simply sing songs and praise Jesus after dinner.

I have spent many of my Friday nights as a mom at a football stadium cheering on both of my older boys playing for their school football team. Many of those nights having to drive out of town to be able to watch them play.  Some of those nights I remember were some of the coldest nights of my life, spent outside in the rain and sleet sitting on cold wet frozen bleachers just to show my love and support for the my boys and the community.

This past Friday night I was reminded by Frank Summers the founder of Family Missions Company that we are not called to be in the stands at the football field we are called to be ON THE FIELD. Each and everyone of us should be right in the middle of the football field playing the game. I was reminded that Christ died a terrible awful death. That involved many horrific things that were done to Him that we seem to put in the back of our minds. Like having nails hammered into His hands and feet so they could hang him from the Cross. Having a sword stuck into his side. Christ died on that Cross for each and everyone of us because he loves us. Not for us to just sit in the stands to cheer him on. Or for us to attend Mass and sit in the pews of a church in front of the altar for just an hour each Sunday
He died because he loved us much more than we could ever imagine.  

Today October 22 is World Mission Sunday, a day that leads us to the heart of our Christian faith – leads us to mission! Donations that were made made today will go to help support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in the Missions who share our faith with those most in need.What a great day to recall to our minds the love Christ had for us. Jesus spent his life as a Missionary going from town to town preaching to all the Nations about his Father. Jesus preformed miracles and made disciples as he followed his Fathers will for Him.

Saint Pope John Paul Wrote in his Encyclical Letter Mission Of The Redeemer 
“ I sense that the moment has come to commit all of the Church’s energies to a new evangelization and to the mission ad gentes. No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim to all peoples.” 
“It is only in faith that the Church’s mission can be understood and only in faith that it finds basis.” 

Could one even imagine what life would have been if Jesus just sat in the bleachers instead of getting out on to the Field? 

So today we are challenged to take a moment to reflect how it is that we uphold the duty of our Faith.
My friends we are the Church, and I am so blessed to call each of you my friend because each and everyone of you have encouraged me to get out of the stands and on the field. 

Pope Francis says, “enable the missionary heart of Christian communities to join in prayer, testimony of life and communion of goods, in responding to the vast and pressing needs of evangelization.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A Storm Trooper In Missions, Could It Be?

Who is called to become a Missionary? Is it for single adults? Can families be Missionaries? How about children, can they be called to be Missionaries? Many would think that mission work is only for adults. However, sometimes God calls children to be missionaries as well. Children are great missionaries; with their eagerness to please, positive outlook on life, and even more so, with the love they have to offer they can teach a powerful lesson for such small, young people.

This story is about my 7 year old son, Gabriel, and how he and his Lego Storm Trooper became foreign missionaries.

We have made many trips to Mexico prior to our Spring Break 2017 mission trip with Family Missions Company to General Cepeda, Mexico. Though we had been to Mexico plenty, this trip was going to be a bit different from ones we had made in years past. While we prepared for our trip, I explained to Gabriel that we would take only our backpacks and that we would not be taking any suitcases. I explained that this meant we would only be taking the essentials like clothes, a pair of shoes, rosaries, bibles, and nothing else. While we were packing Gabriel attempted to convince me that I should allow him to take “just 3 of his coolest Lego men.” He made it clear that “the men are so small they will not take up any room and could fit in a pocket” and he added, that he would play with them during the flight so he would not disturb others that might be on the plane with us. He assured me that he would be responsible for them and not let them get in the way of helping out and, of course, he said it with those great big puppy dog eyes no mom can ever resist. So… How could I resist him? I gave in and allowed him to take only the top three “coolest Legos men” he owned. He decided to take two men that were mis-matched and pieced together from pieces of others, one guys body and arms with another guy’s torso and head, but the coolest to make the cut was his brand new Storm Trooper. So after he selected the guys that where going with him on the mission trip he asked, in a worried way, if the Lego guys would need to have a passport to get on the plane. I assured him that his men would be able to tag along with him to Mexico without a passport.

When we arrived we were assigned teams that would work together during daily chores, work projects, and for our ministry work of visiting the remote ranchos that surrounded the beautiful town of General Cepeda. We all had to pull our own weight and chip in, even Gabriel had to clean bathrooms and wash dishes after meals. He was so busy he barely even had time to think about the familiar toys he brought with him from home. When the time came for our first trip into one of the small ranchos we, as a family, walked from house to house knocking on the doors of strangers to invite them to join us in the Chapel for praise and worship, as well as, to listen to our Mission team’s testimonies. To our surprise, all of them were interested in hearing our team’s personal testimonies.  It was so amazing to see the faithfulness of these families. In the USA, we sometimes take for granted our Faith, being able to go to Mass, and how easy it is to ensure our children are educated in our Catholic Faith. It seems as though, for many parents in the US, it becomes a more pressing concern that we make sure our children are prepared academically for life rather than spiritually ready for the battles that they will see in daily life. In visiting this community, my family and I could see what love the families of the ranchos have for the Catholic Church and her teachings even though they could never dream of getting to go to Mass every day or even just once a week, like most of us have the privilege of doing in the States. The ranchos are a tight knit communities of families that are lucky to get to participate in Mass once a month due to the lack of Priests in the area. Since they so rarely get a chance to receive communion, it is heartwarming that they feel so blessed when they are able to receive missionaries each week and are given the opportunity to listen to their testimonies as well as share their own, regarding their walk with the Lord.

While walking door to door, in this unfamiliar town, we were able to see how humble and poor these people really live. Their homes are furnished with the bare minimal furniture. There were not many older teen boys or men around, most were out working the ranch. We would, at times, come across a few coming back from their work atop horses and we would stop to talk to them and to invite them to the Chapel. Gabriel was so excited because there were so many kids his age to play with in the town. We continued door to door and as we walked away from one home he ask, if he would be able to play with any of the children before the program begin that night. I told him we would see when we made it back to the Chapel. It had been some time since we started our rounds so by the time we walk through the streets and knocked on every door inviting strangers to the Chapel we finally made it to the Chapel ourselves just in time. As we got closer, Gabriel’s excitement grew because he could see that so many kids his age had showed up. The best part was that there were a few minutes before the program began and he would be able to play with them some. Although he was excited, he was very nervous to go to the children to play with them. He lingered some and as I was watching from a distance, I saw Gabriel reach into his pocket and pull out his prized Lego Storm Trooper and his two mis-matched Lego men and walk over to a boy sitting down alone to ask him to play. Although Gabriel’s Spanish was very limited, the young boy seemed not to mind because Lego’s are a universal language to little boys. So, needless to say, there was no language barrier as Gabriel had anticipated and they spent the rest of the free time getting to know each other in the only way they could, the language of Legos and playing together.

The next day we walked the streets and knocked on the doors of all who lived in the rancho, just as we had done the night before. We were headed on foot back to the Chapel to wait for the people to come for another night of praise, worship, and this time, during the program, it was Gabriel and his sister’s turn to give their testimonies. Gabriel’s new friend was there early waiting for us to arrive so they could play with Legos together. When the church bell rang it was time for us to go inside to begin the night’s program and for Gabriel to give his testimony. When the time came for him to stand up in front of the Chapel, I cannot lie, I was a bit nervous possibly even more than he was. I was not sure what he had planned on talking about, he’s was only 7. To my astonishment, he began to talk about Jesus’s temptation in the desert found in the Book of Luke Chapter 4. With the help of a translator, Gabriel explain to his audience that night that Jesus was tempted in the desert by the Devil. Gabriel told them that the Devil tempted him to turn a rock into bread and a jump off the precipice and Angels would save him and if Jesus would bow down to the Devil than he would be the ruler of all the kingdoms. Gabriel also explained to them that Jesus told the Devil NO and that he told the Devil to get behind him.

I can confidently say that I was amazed he could remember the bible story like he did but I was knocked to my knees when Gabriel related it to himself. He told his audience that he is often tempted by the Devil. He shared with them at times he is lazy and feels like not completing his school work and sometimes he hears a voice tell him he should not share his toys with others. But that he knows he must be as brave as Jesus and tell the Devil to get behind him, just like Jesus did in the dessert. He invited all that were present to tell the Devil the same when they feel tempted to do bad things.

Gabriel gave his very 1st testimony that night. You cannot imagine the wonderful feeling God granted me that night. On the way back to the mission home, Gabriel ask me if it was ok if he brought a gift for his new friend the next night because it would be the last night of our teams testimonies in the ranchos. Of course in my mind I was wondering what we had to give. What did my son think he was going to give to his new friend? We did not bring much only essential items needed for the trip and we did not even have much money.

The last day to visit the ranchos came and went so fast for all of us. It’s amazing how Missionaries from the USA can go and share among complete strangers in a little Rancho in Mexico in the middle of nowhere, be complete strangers at first and after just a few short days feel like family. Gabriel had told me on the way to the rancho that last day that he planned on letting his new friend pick out one of his Lego men to keep. When it was time to leave the rancho that night Gabriel held out his hand with three Lego men in it. His newly found friend pointed to his prized Storm Trooper Lego. Gabriel picked up his prized Storm Trooper and gave it a kiss before handing it to his friend.

Almost a year later, Gabriel and I still pray for those who live in the rancho that we had visited and we pray that his newly found friend remembers the wonderful time that they spent together playing. We often pray for Gabriel’s Storm Trooper that he will continue to spread Love and Joy among the children of the rancho and most especially for the boy who now carries him in his pocket. We pray that he may always remember that Jesus loves him as well as with Gabriel. And most of all that in times of temptation we must tell the Devil to get behind us because when He is set beside us and we are focused on loving others and following God we can do many great things in the name of the Lord. We can share Christ’s Love and Joy to the ends of the earth.

I have seen the Lord work through the heart and soul of a 7 year little boy. I would have to say, in my opinion, Christ loves to work through the hands and hearts of little ones. For them to become His hands and His feet and to spread the Gospel to those who have the ears to listen to their heart proclaim His God News. I believe it can definitely be said that children are sometimes the best Missionaries in the field.

One can find written in the Catechism of the Catholic Faith. The Life of Man is to Know, to Love, to Serve, and to Make Him Known.

Perhaps it is Gabriel that has gained more, by giving of himself and giving up his prized Storm Trooper Lego than the ones he was serving. 

After all, Pope Saint John Paul II wrote in his Encyclical Letter Mission of the RedeemerFaith is strengthened when it is given to others!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Broken and Hungry for Love

 A Call to Missions -
 Broken and Hungry for Love 
 For most of my life, I sought love and approval from those around me. In fact, I can confidently say that my desire for those things put me on a path that lead me through trials and made me who I am today. 
Those trials have made many view my family as broken, unworthy of any kind of earthly love much less divine love. The sad thing is I believed all that was true, I believed I was broken. But it is truly amazing how God can mend the Broken. How he can love the most unworthy of His servants. My family and I remind you, we are sinners. We have done nothing to deserve his love, a love he pours out over us relentlessly. Our Lord’s understanding of love and the worth of his people is priceless and commands a certain respect but more so creates a longing for an intimate relationship with him.  His love for us demands a proper reaction from us and that reaction should be a true desire to know him; to be closer to the one who loves us so unconditionally. 
St Thomas Aquinas boldly stated “The actual effect of the Eucharist is the transformation of man into GOD”.  St Thomas knew something I had not known before. He knew that when we seek Christ within that tiny white Host during Holy Communion. Christ himself will most certainly be there, veiled and concealed in the host. He knew that eyes could not see, and the unbelieving souls that approached the host could not have ever know it was truly Christ, but it is Christ that sets a fire that is set within our hearts. A desire that we would truly become one with him and know of his, no strings attached love for each of us. The past is the past. Unconditional love; that is what he has for each of us.  That is the missing link to our soul. My soul had been starving for all those years and my heart was in need of his unconditional love, in order to find fulfillment in my Faith, religion, and life all together.  I had to come to terms with that fact. God loves me and my broken family unconditionally and only He can fulfill us, no other love of flesh can do that. The Eucharist truly transformed my family into one with him. 
 A little less than 2 decades ago, I, as an adult, became Catholic; receiving the body and blood of Jesus Christ for the 1st time in my life. I honestly had no Idea that God would place on my heart the desire to know him & everything about the wonderful Catholic Church and her teachings. I had no idea he would use our brokeness to help others see his healing powers. 
 We find an amazing peace and strength only our God could give to my family and I.  An amazing peace that allows us to recognize that he is calling us out of the boat and into the water just as we heard so many times in the Gospel reading found in Matthew 14: 22-33, with Peter saying…… "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Just like Peter, we too have been tempted to stay in the boat out of fear and doubt, but Christ is there with open arms asking my family to trust in him and to just stay focused on him. He is asking us to have confidence in his love and his forgiveness and to get out of the boat and follow him to the ends of the earth.  
 God is calling my family into a life among the poor and to many this might sound unheard of or foolish. Corinthians 1:18 says “for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power God.” He truly saved us, He has softened our hearts and for over two years, has mended the broken pieces in preparation to send us out. My family has heard his call for us to live our life in a radical way, among the poor.  To live among the poorest of the poor; to totally surrender to His will and to look to Him and beg of him to supply all that we need. To tell those who have not heard of his miracles, that He waits to perform  for them in their lives. To tell how he can make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk. To tell how he wants to love them. To tell how he will never ever break their hearts. To tell how he has been waiting for all of us, for over 20 centuries in the tabernacle as the great St. Josemaria Escriva points out. To tell how he just wants to love us unconditionally & to fill our hunger.  Two thirds of the over 7 billion people living today have never been introduced to Jesus. 
 We are very grateful God has called us to become Catholic Foreign Lay Missionaries among an amazing mission team known as the Family Mission Company based out of Abbeville Louisiana. Over the last year, we have sold or given everything we have away. We take only what fits in our suitcases and the words of our Lord with us to some of the darkest corners of the world to proclaim His good news. We embark on this not so glamorous, but oh so glorious call to a life in foreign missions this September.  After our three month training has ending, in early January we will be assigned a country where we will live among the poor and will journey with them as we seek the face of Christ among them and share in our love for our Catholic Faith with in their communities.
He has healed, He has called, and each day he continues to renew us, and in response my children and I have been undergoing a divine transformation; by detaching ourselves from the world’s materials as He transforms us into beggars for the Gospel. We have detached ourselves from our possessions and will live on the providence of our mission partners in order to serve the poor and live in solidarity with the poor. Though poor ourselves, we will live lives of generosity to the poor, showing a preferential option for the poor, as the Church teaches.

 Romans 10:14-15 it says How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?” As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" 

“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove
than the hunger for Bread” Mother Teresa

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